Are you experiencing slow internet?

Slow internet is an issue in all parts of Ontario, especially if you live in northern Ontario. Even if you live in major cities, you will never get 100% stable connection. It can be frustrating when you lacking speed. If you work from home and need a stable connection, but you are not getting it,? Let smartgeek help you get the most of your internet connection.

truth about internet connection in Ontario

The truth is, no internet will ever be 100% unless we build it from ground up together with the city infrastructure. We would have to have properly trained techs from beginning. And the reality is, we all know this will not happen anytime soon.

The major internet providers offer lightning speeds at gigabit, with fiber optic cabling. They get you to enter your postal code on their website and Abracadabra you qualify. The truth is most of the houses in Ontario do not qualify as the infrastructure in the house does not have fiber optic cabling and you will always get slow internet. In reality it should not be even called fiber internet, as the major use of the fiber optic cabling is for tv programming not your internet unless you are a business.

So what really happens?

Well, if you sign up for Fiber internet, you will get lightning speed to the neighborhood sharing box (in plain language), and then it uses your existing old lines to connect you. Hence the slow internet of your fiber. Ok so I’ll get them to install a fiber optic cable to my house – you say. Yes you can, but the price is 10K to 18K (where K stands for thousand).

Cable option – No slow internet?

This answer is unfortunately wrong. Cable internet is fast, and is offering with high speed as well. But then 7pm hits and you start pulling your hair out. The cable internet is great when no one uses it. Unfortunately, when everyone is watching tv and streaming and doing regular stuff on the internet, and this is what majority of Ontarians do in the evening between 7 pm and 11pm, well hence the slow internet. Your gigabit speed becomes 100mb and jumps every second makes streaming almost impossible.

Ok I will go with smaller providers of internet in Ontario

You can, and you will probably get a little better price then the major players. Most likely with smaller providers you will have to buy your hardware to get you connected. In addition, don’t be misled. Small internet providers are getting their internet from big internet providers. So you will get slow downs just as the same as major internet providers.

Ontario, even Canada is limited to what we can get in respect to the speed and availability. Due to monopoly and restrictions. Even if you would want to start your own internet company, major players would not allow it. That is why the little companies buy their connection from Major providers in Ontario and entire Canada.

So what do smartgeek do about slow internet?

Smartgeek will assess you area and provide the best internet provider for your area so you can avoid slow internet connections as much as possible. Smartgeek can help assist you get your account setup with internet provider. Some providers only sell you internet modems only and is up to you to purchase the router. Smartgeek can help hook up your hardware for best performance and WIFI availability.

Over the years we have fixed many poor installation from many under qualified technicians that come to your home and install internet hardware. We have seen it and heard it all. Phone line installers telling people bogus stories that the connection has to be here otherwise your internet will not work. Installing modem routers in the basement where you have a two or three story house. Smartgeek even fixed Cable tv boxes installed on older models TVs, because the technician had no experience using RCA cables.

smartgeek can help.

Contact us if you require more information, we will be happy to answer any questions you might have. If you would like our smartgeek help you choose your best internet connection in your area, please book an appointment.

Call 437-600-9700 for assistance we are here to help you answer your tech questions